IMG 5249 2Welcome

I am Liivika Simmul, principal of the St John's School in Tallinn. I hope all is well with you and your loved ones. Even though Estonian students have been back in classrooms since the first week of September, we are very much aware that this is not what many schools all around the world can afford at the moment. We also realize that the situation in our country can change any day. Human contact that is so important for our school's approach would again be considered dangerous. But there is another way of staying connected that is always avaliable to us: to think of each other, to pray for each other and care about each other. We  hope that you enjoy reading about our school and our activities in our first newsletter in English.

We are thinking about you, and are hoping and praying that you and your families stay well in these uncertain times.

Teachers’ Day

a26a5c34 86ee 4dd7 be5b 929891e23f9eYes, it is carnival time: kids take on the roles of teachers and teachers are sipping tea in the school kitchen. Brought to life in Estonia already in the 1960s, Teacher’s Day continues to be celebrated (since 1994 in accordance with the UNESCO initiative) on 5 October.

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Meet Our Team. Oleg Shvaikovsky

screen-shot-2020-10-27-at-9_58_39-pmIt is early crisp autumn morning. The teenagers are still trying to galvanize their sleepy brains as the new Physics teacher walks in. The topic of today’s class is light. Do you know what the Spartan race runners and the refraction of light have in common? Who is this new teacher who has taken up teaching Physics in a small private school in Tallinn?

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Living Education Podcasts

In our recent podcast Living Education Professor Alexander Sidorkin (University of California, Sacramento) speaks about education as a dialogue: why relations are more important than material rewards to motivate students to progress, what is the dialogical relation and why Martin Buber got it wrong that the primary relation is between two equal subjects, and whether or not the pandemic has a revolutionary effect on the way we teach. 

You may also be interested in checking out an earlier Living Education podcast in English, with Dr Philip Mamalakis.


A new school for 600 students will be built in Tallinn
uusmajaSt John's School has embarked on the process of building its own school house which will open its doors to students, hopefully, in late 2021. The school will be built in the green area of Tallinn Nõmme on the plot of land purchased by the school in 2019.
The current rented premises are too small for the dynamic and growing school. The architectural project by the architectural firm SKAD Arhitektid features a spacious modern building that is well-equipped for learning, music, sports and arts. The building committee is actively working on the finalizing the project, getting a building permission, securing a loan and fundraising.

Take a virtual tour in our new building by clicking here.