
St John’s School (Püha Johannese Kool) is a private school based on Christian values drawing on the Orthodox Christian tradition and teaching. The school was founded in 2013 in Tallinn, Estonia.

Today the school has 460 students in 1st-10th grade; it has a kindergarten, a pre-school as well as numerous extra-curricular activities.

The school started as an initiative of a group of parents and teachers who wanted to have a school for their children that would enable to get a good education but not at any cost. Good education cannot be boiled down to measurable results only. St. John's School endeavors to unite high academic results and the joy of learning.

"The healing of society as a whole begins with each individual taking responsibility for their own personal development. This means making an effort to love and create good relationships with those around us. It is possible to find a balance between hard work and joy at school."
img 5249 2Liivika Simmul,
Founder and Headmistress

The school is based on co-operation, not competition. A new school starting from a blank sheet has more chances in carrying out the governement's National Curriculum’s goal of turning the Estonian educational system more value based. We are building on the positive experience on the educational landscape, combining Christian values and innovative school practices.

Creating a new school is a challenging process. It requires careful planning, hard work and dedication. We have always been active in raising funds to acquire our own building. In March 2019 the school purchased a plot of land in Kivimäe, a green suburb in Tallinn. In the spring of 2020 an architectural competition was carried out. The building started in 2021 and in September 2022 our very own schoolhouse openend its doors.

To learn more about how the school got started and about our plans for the future, listen to the interview Irina Pärt gave to the Ancient Faith Radio here and read more in English in the article/interview published in the East-West Church Report No 1, 2023.

To make a donation to the St John the Evangelist School Foundation please use the following account:

Püha Johannese Kooli Sihtasutus
IBAN: EE571700017003217508
Nordea Bank Finland Plc Estonia Branch, Liivalaia 45, 10145 Tallinn, Estonia


By helping us you will join a community of supporters and will receive regular information about the developments.

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